Temporary Road Closure affecting Penrith
22nd December, 2015
Date: 16th December 2015
Our reference: CY/TTRO
TITLE : A592 Castlegate, Penrith
REASON FOR ORDER: Gas Mains Replacement/Renewal
DESCRIPTION/LOCATION OF THE WORKS: A592 Castlegate, Penrith – from its junction with the U3542 Great Dockray extending in a predominantly south westerly direction for approximately250mup to its junction with the A592 Ullswater Road.
OPERATIONAL DATE AND DURATION OF ORDER: Operating From: 22nd February 2016 For 4 weeks
Alternative Route:
South West Bound Traffic: DiversionVia: U3542 Great Dockray, U3545 West Lane, U3545 Castle Hill Road, U3545 Wetheriggs Lane, Kilgour Street, A6 Victoria Road, A6 Bridge Lane, Kemplay Bank Roundabout, A66, M6 Junction 40 Roundabout and A592 Ullswater Road.
North East Bound Traffic:No Diversion Route As One-Way Street
Nothing in the Order to which this notices relates shall:
1. Apply to emergency service vehicles, or vehicles being used by statutory undertakers in the performance of their duties; and
2. Apply to anything done with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform; and
3. Have the effect of preventing at any time access for pedestrians to any premises situated on or adjacent to the roads, or to any other premises accessible for pedestrians from, and only from the roads; and
4. Apply to vehicles being used in connection with the Works.